Department of Computer And Electrical Engineering
The Act of Parliament (ACT 830, 2011) of Ghana that established the University of Energy and Natural Resources (lurbu) 2011 proposed the School of Engineering to comprise eight (8) Departments one of which is the Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering. The Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering was established a year after the University started to operate in 2012 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering after accreditation has been given by the National Accreditation Board.
The Department started with 71 students. In the same year a Top-up programme for holders of HND in Electrical/Electronic Engineering to pursue a Bachelor Degree was introduced.
To be among the first-rated departments for technological innovation, and application of knowledge based computing in advancing resources in electrical energy.
To promote the development of human resources and skills required to solve critical energy and natural resources challenges of society and undertake interdisciplinary academic, research, and outreach programmes in electrical, computer, communication engineering, and sustainable energy systems.
Aims and Objectives
The main aim of the Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering is to develop enterprising professionals who have an innovative disposition, the confidence and abilities to assume leadership roles in technology, business and the community. It aims at producing skilled graduate engineers to become immediately employable in the global competitive environment.
Academic Programmes:
The department offers Bachelor of Science in the following programmes:
- Electrical/Electronic Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Top-up programme in Electrical/Electronic Engineering as Distance Learning.
The department has started a distance learning programme leading to Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and presently has two streams:
- A 5 semester Top-Up programme for Holders of HND Electrical and Electronic Engineering; and
- A 6 semester programme for holders of Part-three Full Technician Certificate (FTC).
Future Plans:
The Department plans to develop new Bachelor of Science programmes in Communications, Megatronics and Biomedical Engineering with ultra-modern state of the art laboratory facilities to support research and academic work.