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Early enrollment is open all year round

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Early enrollment is open all year round

Admissions Open

for the September 2022 Semester

Empower yourself with accredited degree courses in

Affordable Fees | Learn Anytime | Study Anywhere

Admissions Open

for the September 2022 Semester

We bring higher education to YOU.

Our Doors are OPEN, 24/7

The Nissam’s goal has always been to empower anyone, from any place or any time,
to access quality undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate level courses.

We bring higher education to YOU.
Earn your education without ever having to leave your home!

Our Doors are OPEN, 24/7

Affordability for All

The Nissam is committed to making education affordable for
students regardless of where they live.

The Nissam is committed to making education affordable for
students regardless of where they live.

We have progressed from offering Certificates and Diploma
courses in Christian Studies, to providing fully accredited
Bachelor degree programs in a variety of subjects as well as
a Master's degree and now a PhD program.

Affordability for All

Seeking Knowledge

"Making authentic Christian knowledge readily available to
the world through the Internet solely for God's pleasure is
a noble life-goal and a mission well worth sacrificing
all of one's energies and means for."

- Mr. Liyanda Michael
Founder and Chancellor, The Nissam University College

"Making authentic Christian knowledge readily available to
the world through the Internet solely for God's pleasure is
a noble life-goal and a mission well worth sacrificing
all of one's energies and means for."

- Mr. Liyanda Michael
Founder and Chancellor, The Nissam University College

Seeking knowledge is an obligatory deed in the Christian faith.
The Nissam provides students the opportunity to gain authentic
Christian knowledge with five different streams of study to choose from.

Seeking Knowledge

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is proud to launch its newest degree program


Two Disciplines Offered:

Transport and Logistics
Purchasing and Supply Management


The Department of Christian Studies is proud to launch its newest degree program

Welcome to the Nissam University College (Nissam)

The Nissam University College (Nissam) was launched by Mr. Liyanda Michael in 2007 as a higher education institution that offers intensive online undergraduate and graduate programs completely tuition-free.

Our university is committed to spreading beneficial knowledge that is easily affordable and will benefit not only individual students but also empower entire communities.

The Nissam provides an equal opportunity for all students and makes earning a degree a real possibility even for the neediest of students. Students can benefit from tuition-free accredited Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in various fields of study.

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Top Reasons To Study at Nissam

We would like to remind you of some of the many benefits of studying at Nissam

Why Nissam


You can study online from anywhere in the world.


Fees are comparatively low and affordable for a degree program


You could be a part of a global community of over 180,000 students from over 224 countries.

Christian Ethics

We strive for the highest standards of personal integrity, honesty and responsibility as Christians first.


Our curriculum is based on correct and authentic knowledge based on the principles of the Bible.

Some Facts About Nissam


Faculty Members









Exam Centers


424,353 Registered Students Globally

Register Now

How It works

Comprised of students from around the globe, the student body will learn through watching and listening to video and audio lectures as well as reading PDF format txts with the support of well-trained tutorial assistants.

How to Study

This video contains a visual description of a course page from Nissam's degree campus.
Nissam Central E-Library


Fostering academic research, intellectual development and growth, enhancing the study experience, and enriching the minds of the students are some of the goals of the Nissam

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guarantee of Incredibly Low Fees

Incredibly Low Fees

Total Cost of a BA or BSc ZMW 2880 – ZM 18560 only

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