Certificate In Psychology(CPSY)

> Course Description

Course Description

Islamic Studies

Course Description


This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues in the Science of Tawheed/ ‘Aqeedah most relevant today. It gives an overview of the categories of Tawheed and Shirk.


I. Objectives 

  • To enable the student to understand the origins of the Science of Tawheed.
  • To further develop the student’s grasp of the basic three categories of Tawheed and their antithesis Shirk.
  • To develop the student’s basic knowledge regarding some of the controversial issues related to Tawheed.
  • To enable students to critically analyze the customs and culture which affects the implementation of Tawheed in Muslim countries today.
  • To teach students correct approach to understanding the Islaamic Creed.


II.  Class Content

A. Definition of ‘Aqeedah

B. Importance of ‘Aqeedah

C. Unique Characteristics of Islamic ‘Aqeedah

D. Definitions of Eemaan and Islaam and their characteristics 

E. Belief in Allaah 
1. Proofs For Allaah’s Existence
2. The Appearance of Atheism in Modern Times
3. Tawheed: Ruboobiyyah, Uloohiyyah, & Asmaa wa sifaat
4. Kufr and its categories
5. Shirk and its categories
6. Nifaaq and its categories



A. Required Text:

  • Bilal Philips, The Fundamentals of Tawheed, Bilal Philips,

 B. Supplementary Texts:

  • ‘Abdullah Al-Athari, Islamic Beliefs

Course Description

This course is a survey of the principles of Quranic exegesis. The first half of the curriculum focuses on ‘uloom al-Qur’an (background knowledge required of anyone who undertakes explanation of the Qur’an, especially its use of the Arabic language). The second half is a survey of works of tafseer, including the major classical works of tafseer bil-ma’thoor and tafseer bil-ra’y as well as modern trends in tafseer, particularly thematic tafseer.



1. To enable the student to understand the origins of the science of usool al-tafseer.

2. To familiarize the student with the nature of revelation and the unique qualities of the Qur’an, including its unparalleled preservation, it’s seven ahruf and its recitations.

3. To acquaint the student with the proper methodology for Qur’anic exegesis.



     1. Introduction to the Science of Tafseer

     2. Books of Tafseer

     3. Translations of the Qur‘an

     4. Wahy

     5. The Revelations of the Qur‘aan

     6. Collection of the Qur‘aan

     7. The Qur‘aanic Text

     8. Dialects and Recitations 

     9. Reasons for Revelation

     10. Makkan and Madeenan Revelations

     11. Naasikh and Mansookh

     12. Muhkam and Mutashaabih

     13. Literary Forms of the Qur‘aan

     14. The Language of the Qur‘aan 



A. Required Text:

     Bilal Philips, Usool at-Tafseer

     Study notes by Riaz Ansary

B. Supplementary Texts:

     Yasir Qadhi, An Introduction to the Sciences of the Qur‘aan

     Ahmad Von Denffer, ‘Ulum al-Qur‘aan (Eng. Trans.)

     As-Suyootee, al-Itqaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan

     Az-Zarkashee, al-Burhaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan

     Mannaa‘ al-Qattaan, Mabaahith fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan

     Muhammad ‘Alee az-Zarqaanee, Manaahil al-‘Irfaan fee ‘Uloom al-Qur‘aan


1. Providing the student with knowledge enabling him to understand the acts of worship and their correct ettiquette

2. Clarifying the wisdom behind the legislation of acts of worship and their effects on human behavior.



A. Salaah.

     1. Tahaarah

    Minor and Major Purification and their rules

    Wiping Socks, Categories of Water, Ritual Impurity, Menstruation

     2. Definition of Salaah, Its Status, Importance and Wisdom

     3. Prayer Times

     4. Conditions for Validity

     5. Obligatory and Recommended Portions of Prayer, Invalidators

     6. Sujoodus-Sahw (Prostrations for Forgetfulness)

     7. Making up Prayers

     8. Recommended Prayers

     9. Congregational Prayers and their Rules

     10. Method of Salaatul-Mareed

     11. Funeral Prayers


B. Zakaah

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Conditions for Obligation

     3. Types of Wealth Requiring Zakaah

     4. Heads of Expenditure for Zakaah

 C. Sawm

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Conditions for Fasting

     3. Atonement for Invalidation

     4. Permissible Acts While Fasting

     5. Seclusion and its Rules


D. Hajj

     1. Definition, Status, Importance and Wisdom

     2. Obligation and Its Types: Mufrid, Muqrin and Mutamatti

     3. Obligatory and Recommended Acts of Hajj

     4. Scrificial Animals and Atonement

     5. Ruling Concerning Visitation of the Prophet’s Mosque



A. Required Text:

     Salih Al-Fawzan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol. 1

B. Supplementary Texts:

     Sayyid Sabiq, Fiqh us-Sunnah I-V (Eng. Trans.)


Course Description

This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic jurisprudence. Only fiqhul muamalaat (trade transactions) will be covered in this course. The sound sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) is presented with authentic conclusive evidence. Where ever required modern day examples are mentioned and incorporated. The dire need to know the Islamic rulings of techniques and systems in place in modern day businesses is not ignored.



A. Required Text:

     Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2

B. Supplementary Texts:

   Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,


Course Description

This course is comprised of a study of the fundamental issues of Islamic Law. The book of Marriage is full of issues regarding family matters where nikaah issues, marital discord, and more are discussed. It is a course in which both married and unmarried students will find immense benefit. While going through all the academic lingo of the subject you will Insha Allah benefit from it for your personal life and those around you. 


A. Required Text:

  • Salih Al-Fawzaan, A Summary of Islamic Jurisprudence, vol.2

B. Supplementary Texts:

  • Fiqhus Sunnah, Sayyid Sabiq,
  • Azzawaaj al Islami by Shaykh Mahmood Al Masri,
  • Isharun Nisaa by Shaykh Usamah bin Kamal 

This course looks at the cultural foundations of Islam in order to enable the student to distinguish it from cultural traditions and practices commonly associated with Islam, as well as to understand reasons for the current cultural clash.


Personality can be defined as "a characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting.” Personality consists of traits or characteristics which exist on a continuum and influence our thoughts, motivations, and behaviors in various situations across time. This course, building upon what was learned in Islamic Psychology, is designed to introduce students to the study of Personality – how it is defined, what it consists of, how it develops, and how it influences our thoughts and behaviors. The focus of the course is on the Islamic perspective of personality, based upon the Qur’an and Sunnah. Several modernpsychological theories and concepts will also be discussed and critiqued. A major portion of the course will cover the concept, process and means of purification of the soul, a fundamental component in the discourse on personality.

Course Description


This course combines Islamic wisdom with contemporary knowledge, the course focuses on the Islamic perspective to understanding humans, their psyche, and their nature. The Islamic approach is unique in this field due to its reliance upon revelation and sacred sources for knowledge and understanding.


I. Objectives 

  • Be familiar with the field of psychology and the various sub-disciplines as well as related fields.
  • Understand the difference between the secular and Islamic approaches to the study of human nature and personality.
  • Understand the complex relationship between psychology and religion.
  • Compare and contrast the sources of knowledge used for the Islamic and secular perspectives.
  • Comprehend psychology, the nature of humans and purpose in life from an Islamic perspective, utilizing wisdom from sacred sources.


II.  Class Content

Introduction to Psychology and Human Nature
Contemporary Perspectives in Psychology

Thinking Critically with Psychological Science

Basics of Human Nature

The Heart (Al-Qalb)




Intelligence, Reason and Wisdom

States of Consciousness


Conditioning and Learning

Social Influences upon Humans

Unseen Influences upon Humans

Abnormal Psychology

Health Psychology

Religiosity, Spirituality and Mental Health

Trials and Tribulations of Life

Counseling and Psychotherapy

Developmental Psychology



A. Required Text:

  • Hamdan, A. (In press). Psychology from the Islamic Perspective. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: International Islamic Publishing House.

B. Supplementary Texts:

  • PDF Notes

Course Description

This course is an introduction to the mainstream western theories and principles of counseling psychology. Theoretical approaches to the counseling process will be presented with examples of its clinical application. These western paradigms will be evaluated for its congruence with Islamic beliefs and tradition. Islamic concepts and ideas will be presented in an attempt to integrate these theories into the process of counseling. These will include reference to the Islamic scholarly tradition of healing. 

I. Objectives 

  • Encourage critical thinking and instill the motivation for personal study in the area of counseling psychology from the Quran and Sunnah.  
  • Introduce the western theories of counseling, while distilling this information through an Islamic filter so as to facilitate an enhanced integrative learning process.
  • Introduce Islamic ideas of counseling towards a synthesis of western and Islamic approaches of the topic at hand.  
  • Emphasize and transfer theory into practical application (non-clinical), both personally (self-awareness) and communally.  
  • Understand the components that contribute to psychopathology and health.  


A. Required Text:

  • Corey, G. (2009). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy (8th edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Corporation.


Course Description

This course will cover the main theories, principles, and methods of Child Psychology. The Islamic perspective on the nature, characteristics, and development of children will be discussed within each module. Scientific theories and prin-ciples will also be integrated in various topics.

This course will include an introductory presentation of the vast field of psychology. It will cover a basic exposure to ways of understanding human behavior through theory and research. It will also contain a survey of research methods, and applications of psychology drawn from the natural science and social science bases of the discipline (displaying the field as both a science and an art). There will be an emphasis on critical thinking, ethical issues as they relate to the Quran and Sunnah, and the diversity of human experience in examining the science and practice of contemporary psychology.

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