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Zambian Institute of Project Management and Good Governance
Code of Ethics for Project Professionals As Project Professionals, we do not engage in or condone deceptive behaviour, including half-truths, material omissions, false or misleading statements, or providing information out of context necessary to make the statement incomplete. We must be particularly careful to avoid misrepresenting our project estimates and forecasts to stakeholders; rather, all estimates should be based on rigorous and transparent forecasting techniques. As Project Professionals, we do not use favouritism or nepotism in hiring and firing decisions or in the award of contracts. Nor do we discriminate in hiring or in the award of contracts on the basis of race, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, marital or family status, or any other protected or improper category. As Project Professionals, we fully disclose any potential conflicts to our clients. If a potential conflict of interest arises, we refrain from being a part of decision-making processes until the stakeholders can decide with informed consent whether our continued involvement is appropriate in light of the potential conflict. As Project Professionals, we strive to fulfil the commitments we make. We take ownership of our own mistakes and make prompt corrections; when others for whom we have responsibility make mistakes, we promptly communicate those errors to the appropriate stakeholders and take remedial action. As Project Professionals, we will conduct our business honestly and ethically wherever we operate in the world. We will constantly improve the quality of our services and will create a reputation for honesty, fairness, respect, responsibility, integrity, trust and sound business judgment. No illegal or unethical conduct is in our best interest as Project Professionals. We will not compromise our principles for short-term advantage; rather, we will adhere to high standards of personal integrity. As Project Professionals, we must never permit our personal interests to conflict, or appear to conflict, with the interests of our clients. We must take great care to be honest in all stakeholder communications. We shall also avoid using our client contacts to advance our own private business or personal interests at the expense of clients or their affiliates. No bribes, kickbacks or other similar remuneration or consideration shall be given to any person or organisation in order to attract or influence business. As Project Professionals, we shall avoid giving or accepting gifts, gratuities, fees, bonuses or excessive entertainment in order to attract or influence business. As Project Professionals, we will often obtain proprietary, confidential or business-sensitive information and must take appropriate steps to assure that such information is strictly safeguarded. This information could include strategic business plans, operating results, marketing strategies, customer lists, personnel records, upcoming acquisitions and divestitures, new investments, and manufacturing costs, processes and methods. Proprietary, confidential and sensitive business information about our clients, their affiliates, and individuals will be treated with sensitivity and discretion and only be disseminated on a need-to-know basis. As Project Professionals, we will refrain from gathering competitor intelligence by illegitimate means and refrain from acting on knowledge that has been gathered in such a manner. We will seek to avoid exaggerating or disparaging comparisons of the services and competence of our clients’ competitors or our own competitors. As Project Professionals, we obey all laws and client policies and act with respect and responsibility toward others in all of our dealings. We agree to disclose unethical, dishonest, fraudulent and illegal behaviour directly to management of our clients. As Project Professionals, we negotiate in good faith and do not act in an abusive manner toward others. We respect the property rights of others.Designed by Ngondzaishe Ngonidzaishe