Responsibilities of the Board of Directors
The board of directors jointly oversees the activities of the organization. The board's powers, duties, and responsibilities are determined by government regulations and the organization's own constitution and bylaws.
The objectives and responsibilities of the Board are set out in the Board Charter. The Board Charter is regularly reviewed by the Board. The adoption of any proposed changes to the Constitution is subject to the approval of the membership at a general meeting.
The Board of Directors shall comprise not less than four and not more than ten Directors as follows:
At least two and no more than four Directors generally elected by the members; and
At least two and no more than four Directors elected by the Chapter Congress; and
Up to two independent Directors.
The objectives of the Board are to determine and to monitor:
The AIPM short, medium, and long-term goals and its overall strategic direction;
Policies governing the operations of AIPM and the conduct of its Members;
Powers and functions of Congress, Chapter Councils, Board Committees, and other committees as may be established from time-to-time; and